Monday, July 4, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 9

To any Americans reading this: Happy Independence Day! Our great country is now 235 years old! To any Brits reading this ... well, this is awkward. But I'm glad we are now on good terms with each other.
    Now back to the challenge.

Day 09: Scariest Book You've Read

I'll admit I've only read two horror books, and they're both from the 1800s. Dracula is the other. I thought Frankenstein was a lot better, both for narrative purposes and horror purposes.
    You should absolutely read this book if you haven't. It is one of my favorites! It really takes advantage of mankind's fascination with death, and Frankenstein's unnamed creation is more sympathetic than monstrous.


    Frankenstein is the real monster here. He believes that by creating his monster, he can triumph over God and death. Also, he is absolutely terrible to his creation. The creation, who is very pacifistic, asks Frankenstein to make his wife, promising that he and his wife will go into hiding and never cause trouble again. Frankenstein promises to do so, but he never does.
    Character development aside, the book is still very chilling. There was one scene in particular that genuinely disturbed me.
    Upon learning that Frankenstein has no intention of building a wife, the creation approaches Frankenstein and warns him that he (the creation) will be present on Frankenstein's wedding-night. Frankenstein marries but does not see the creation during the ceremony. He and his wife Elizabeth go together to a hotel, and while Frankenstein is in a separate room, he hears a scream. He comes back to the bedroom to find Elizabeth dead. The creation is nowhere to be seen.
    Frankenstein is the scariest book I've ever read--not that I have a lot of horror-book experience. The subject matter is very dark, and there are some well-written, genuinely disturbing scenes.

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