Friday, July 15, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 19

Day 19: "Important Book" That You Know You'll Never Read

Call me nuts, but a story about a pedophile and a twelve-year-old girl does not sound appealing.
    I swear this book has appeared on every single "books to read before you die" list I've ever seen. Why? Someone tell me why!
    I know what the book is about. I know about this freak Humbert Humbert who marries Lolita's mother just so that he can be near Lolita. To make matters worse, he decides to try and molest her, but she (who isn't even a virgin) instigates the sex herself. That's gross! That's just plain wrong!
    Maybe people who have read this Russian book (which, like every Russian book ever published, has a tragic ending) find some kind of symbolic importance or something in Lolita. I can't imagine what it is, though. It just seems like a completely immoral story about a pedophile who takes unfair advantage over a not-so-innocent girl.
    I will never read this book out of my own will. My morals just won't allow it. I would never be able to read the book with a clear conscience, whether it's for school or not. Lolita is nowhere on my Books to Read list.

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