Tuesday, July 12, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 16

Day 16: Best Book Cover

Sorry that this image is so small. This is the closest I could come to finding the cover of the copy I have.
    Notre-Dame de Paris is another of my favorite books. It took me a good while to gain interest, but once I did I could not put the book down.
    This book is probably one of the most popular for movie makers. I feel like pretty much every studio, including Disney, has adapted it. While I have not seen any adaptations, I feel like no movie can match the book in power.
    I mainly like this cover image because the image is very powerful. This is a visual interpretation of the scene in which Quasimodo truly meets La Esmeralda for the first time. He is being punished for a crime (although I do not remember the accusation) by being tied to a revolving platform. I do not remember all the specifics of the scene, but Quasimodo is in effect being publicly tortured. After awhile he cries out for water, and when no one makes a move La Esmeralda comes up to the platform and gives him water.
    I will not give away any spoilers this time. I do not want anyone reading the book to feel the same pain as I did. One day I was browsing the site Failbook.com, and out of nowhere I saw a post that revealed the ending of Notre-Dame de Paris. I was in denial for a while, but then I got really upset. So if you're reading this book, I will not make you feel the same shock as I felt. Enjoy the book.

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