Thursday, July 14, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 18

Day 18: an "Important" Book You'll Read Someday

I cannot believe I haven't read this book. What is wrong with me?!
    Oh yeah. I've had to read so many books for school that I haven't had the time to read Beloved. Also, there are so many books I own that I have yet to read, so it could be awhile before I read this book.
    It's not like I don't have any experience with Toni Morrison, though. I read The Bluest Eye for that AP English class that I ended up not taking. So I am a little acquainted with her writing style.
    I feel as though I read literally one or two pages of Beloved a few years ago, but I don't remember anything I read, except that I came across the f-word in the two-word sentence "F***ing cows." I do know the basic plot of the book, however. I know it's a post-Civil War setting, and the main character is a free slave who has a dead unnamed child; the child's grave is simply marked "Beloved." That's pretty much all I know of the book, but it's enough to make me interested.
    However, I guess I am a little hesitant to read the book because I didn't really enjoy The Bluest Eye. I think Morrison is a very gifted writer, and she told the story beautifully. However, I thought the book was just too sad. There is also a very disturbing scene involving a dog, and I think Morrison described that scene a little too vividly; I felt the same way in another scene involving a cat. I think I can respect the story, but I really don't want to read The Bluest Eye again. For that reason, I'm a little apprehensive about reading Beloved.
    I have my reasons for wanting to wait a bit before reading Beloved, but the book is definitely on my To Read list. I like to think I'd enjoy it, but I'm not so sure. If the story is anything like that of The Bluest Eye, I don't think I would like Beloved.

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