Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 4

So .. if you missed The Return of the King at theatres last night, boy do I feel sorry for you. It was amazing. I felt so reminiscent, and I want to see it again on the big screen soon. Like, TONIGHT soon.
    Back to business. The challenge continues, and I am very nerd-happy.

Day 04: First Adult Book You Read

I can't believe I read this book when I was in seventh grade. What was wrong with me?!
    Oh yeah. I read in Videohound's Golden Movie Retriever that Elijah Wood had portrayed The Artful Dodger in a 1997 Disney adaptation. That was incentive enough for me.
    It took me a good year to finish Oliver Twist. It was probably tedious at the time, but this book is one of my all-time favorites.
    I consider Oliver Twist an adult book not necessarily because of the content, but because of the language. I really don't get how twelve-year-old me was able to read all 508 pages without getting lost. The vocabulary is so dense and so ... well, old-timey. After all, this book was written in the 1800s.
    I have more than one Dickens book, and I find that his style, while very good and interesting, can sometimes be borderline rambling. I sometimes feel like he gets a little too preoccupied with the unimportant details. I think Oliver Twist would have been a much better read for young me if Dickens had been a little more concise. I admit that I haven't read the book since I was in eighth grade, though, and an adult perspective might make Oliver Twist a little more fun to read.
    I consider Oliver Twist my first adult novel because Dickens seems to be the kind of author that would be read and analyzed at the high-school and college level. However, I started Oliver Twist at age twelve, and I managed to enjoy it without all the high-school analysis. But that might be the case just because I wanted to read about The Artful Dodger. Whatever the case, I definitely liked the book and still consider it a favorite.

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