Friday, July 1, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 6

Happy July, my readers! I hope your summer/winter is going nicely.

Day 06: Book You've Read More Than Once

This is a REALLY good book.
    I first became acquainted with this book when I was in fourth or fifth grade. My school's librarian would introduce us students to new books by reading them to us. We'd only meet once a week, and she did not get very far into this book, but I was very interested in it.
    Crispin: the Cross of Lead, for those of you who may not have heard of it, is set in medieval times. The book begins during the burial of the titular character's mother. Crispin, a thirteen-year-old peasant boy who is known as "Asta's son," is then accused of a crime that he didn't commit. Before he fleas the village, the village's priest informs Crispin of his name and gives Crispin his mother's lead cross. While trying to find food, Crispin meets a traveling performer. The two end up traveling together, and Crispin learns the truth of his past.
    I probably read the book in its entirety when I was in sixth grade. I pretty much devoured it because it was so good. I later learned that the book's author, Avi, had written a sequel entitled Crispin: at the Edge of the World. I'm sorry to report that the sequel wasn't nearly as good, and the sequel's ending really angered me.
    I have read Crispin: the Cross of Lead multiple times, and even though I am now an adult, I still enjoy reading it. I recommend it to anyone ten and older; it is an interesting, well-told story.

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