Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30-Day Book Challenge: Day 24

I feel like a bad blogger. I haven't posted anything since last Tuesday. It's not my own will, I swear! I haven't had Internet access since last Tuesday. But it's back, and I will be diligent about the final week of the challenge.

Day 24: a Book in Which You'd Like to Be a Character

Big shocker, right?
    And when I say "be a character," I don't mean "be a character Tolkien created." No, I've created three Lord of the Rings characters for myself. Yes, three. Yes, I do have a life (I think).
    So ... these three alter egos. They are (in order of conception) a Hobbit named Laurel Brandybuck, an Elf named Galadhwen, and a human named Nidmaras.
    I will not elaborate that much on any of these characters, but I do have fairly elaborate character stories for them. I'll go in reverse order of conception.
    Nidmaras, a woman of Rohan, is the daughter of a man of Rohan and a woman of Gondor. She has an older brother who instructs her in the warrior way. When Saruman possesses Théoden, Nidmaras' father and brother are both banished, and her mother, fearing for Nidmaras' safety, sends her to go with Gandalf. Nidmaras, like my other alter egos, joins the Fellowship of the Ring. She joins Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli on their quest after the Fellowship breaks. Nidmaras has been Éowyn's lifelong best friend and has had a secret crush on Éomer for the longest time. She finally tells Éomer her feelings to learn that Éomer, too, loves her. They marry.
    Galadhwen (which is apparently the Elvish version of Laura) is the only child of two Elves of Rivendell. Her father, a skilled warrior, teaches her the warrior way. Her mother, a prominent healer, instructs her in healing. She joins Gandalf on the quest of the Lonely Mountain. During that journey, Bilbo saves her life. Because of that, Galadhwen feels a need to care for Bilbo and anyone living with him as she would a close relative. She makes frequent visits to the Shire and comes to love Frodo as a son. Galadhwen takes him to Rivendell following his wounding on Weathertop and assists Elrond as he treats the wound. She, like Nidmaras, joins Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli when the Fellowship breaks up. For a reason that I cannot explain, I have decided that she marries Elrond's son Elladan. The two later sail to the Undying Lands.
    Laurel is the twin sister of Meriadoc Brandybuck and the daughter of Saradoc Brandybuck and Esmeralda Took. Once Frodo moves in with Bilbo, she and Frodo quickly become best friends. After much coaxing from others, the two become a couple. She stays by his side throughout the quest, coming to find that she loves him even more as he suffers. They, of course, marry.
    So ... yeah, I would absolutely pick to live in Middle-Earth. No, that's not a huge shock. In fact, that is probably quite obvious, but I really don't care. I love Middle-Earth. So sue me.

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